Hire an Instrument

SaMM has a small pool of instruments (mostly violins, but also some brass instruments) that have been donated to us over the past few years. We have had all of these instruments repaired/restored and they are all currently in very good condition.

Currently we have:

  • 2 x full size violins
  • 1 x 3/4 size violin
  • 1 x trumpet
  • 1 x Full size FrenchHorn (with Bb key)
  • 1 x trombone

Hirers are expected to:

  • be current SaMM Students
  • make sure the instrument is FULLY insured under the family house insurance policy
  • be responsible for having any damage repaired at registered SaMM instrument repairers
  • pay a hire fee of £30 per term (or £70 when hired for a year) NB: We offer free hire to families that need it.

If you would like to hire one of the above instruments, please let us know at: admin@sammtotnes.org

The Devon Music Hub has a vast collection of instruments which they also maintain and repair in their own workshop. They offer terrific value for money - currently £30 per term. We recommend you also visit their page at: https://www.musiceducationhub.org/site/parents-carers/hiring-an-instrument/